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About KES2024
Online Submission

Important Dates and Deadlines

General Tracks and Invited Sessions

General Sessions

Submission of papers: 8th April 2024 Extended 22nd April 2024
Notification of acceptance: 13th May 2024 Extended 27th May 2024
Final paper publication files to be received by: 3rd June 2024 Extended 16th June 2024

Invited Sessions

Submission of Papers: Chair sets deadlines
Notification of Acceptance: Chair sets deadlines
Final paper publication files to be received by: 3rd June 2024 Extended 16th June 2024

General Tracks and Invited Sessions Authors Registration Deadline

Early / Authors Registration Deadline: 3rd June 2024 Extended 16th June 2024

Inclusion of Papers in the Elsevier Procedia Proceedings

Every paper for the General Track or Invited Sessions must have at least one author who has registered for the conference with payment by the Early Registration Deadline for the paper to appear in the proceedings. Any paper General Track or Invited Sessions paper that does not have at least one author who has registered and paid by the Early / Authors Registration Deadline will be withdrawn from the proceedings.

Early Registration

Early Registration Deadline: 3rd June 2024 Extended 16th June 2024

Reduced registration fees apply before this deadline.

Note: We must have RECEIVED your payment by this date or you will need to pay the full late fee.


28th Annual
KES Conference
Seville, Spain
11-13 September 2024